Be the Hands and Feet of Christ
For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. James 2:26
We are all called to Be the Hands and Feet of Christ. We are asked to give of our time, talent, and treasure to serve those in need.
The Volunteer Fair will be an excellent opportunity to learn about the volunteer options in Epiphany Ministries as well as several non-profits in the Bloomington/Normal area. Spend some time finding out the purpose of these groups and the available volunteer opportunities that fit your talent and schedule. A wide variety of options range from limited frequency/time commitment to as often/as long as you want.
Come to the Volunteer Fair to find the perfect fit volunteer opportunity for you!
Enjoy some food and fellowship!
Food line-up:
Saturday 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm – wine, cheese, crackers, cookies
Sunday 8:30 am – 11:00 am – coffee and donuts
Sunday 11:00 am – 1:00 pm – cookies
For questions or to inquire about having a table for your ministry at the fair, contact Pat Luber at or 309-838-7961.
Date/Time of the event:
Saturday, March 8, from 5pm – 6 pm
Sunday, March 9 from 8:30 am – 1:00 pm
Volunteer Interest Survey – filling it out does not put you on the hook!
We hope to be able to expand the number and variety of service projects available to Epiphany parishioners. The Volunteer Interest Survey is to collect information to help with that planning and to recruit some additional help to make this happen. Filling out the survey does not put you on the hook for a commitment! The survey can be completed online using the button below or done by paper/pen at the Volunteer Fair.
Epiphany Ministries and Bloomington/Normal Area Non-Profit Organizations
Epiphany Ministries and Organizations
Building and Grounds Epiphany Service
CCD Epiphany Youth
Elizabeth Ministry Epiphany Service
Faith and Works Ministry Epiphany Service
Funeral Lunch Committee Epiphany Service
Greeter Epiphany Liturgy
Hospitality Ministry Epiphany Service
Knights of Columbus Epiphany Service
Music Ministry Epiphany Liturgy
Prayer Quilt Ministry Epiphany Service
St. Nicholas Charity on Wheels Epiphany Service
Sanctity of Life Epiphany Service
Usher Epiphany Liturgy
Walking with Purpose Epiphany Faith Formation
Idea Table – do you have an idea for a new service or fellowship activity at Epiphany? Stop by and discuss with the Faith and Works Ministry.
Bloomington/Normal area Non-Profit Organizations (NPO)
Birthright Bloomington Birthright
Catholic Spirit Radio Catholic Spirit Radio
Faith in Action Bloomington-Normal Faith in Action
Fibers of Love Fibers of Love BN Facebook Page
Habitat for Humanity Habitat for Humanity of McLean County
Immigration Project Immigration Project - Bloomington
Midwest Food Bank Midwest Food Bank - Bloomington
OSF St. Joseph OSF St. Joseph volunteer opportunities
SVdP – St. Brigid Conference Saint Vincent de Paul - St. Brigid Conference
SVdP Food and Clothing Pantry SVdP Food and Clothing Pantry
SVdP St. Isidore’s Garden SVdP St. Isidore's Garden
Uncoupled Catholics Uncoupled Catholics