Worship and Liturgy
"I rejoiced when they said to me, let us go unto the house of the Lord." Psalm 122
The 14th century word "worship" inadequately translates the rich Catholic distinction between the adoration due to God alone, and the reverence due to the Saints or holy things. This is where non-Catholics often confuse our theology. See the Catholic Encyclopedia for in an in depth presentation. Christian Worship at Epiphany Parish relies on the generous involvement of many parishioners and their families.
We use the Ministry Scheduler Pro site (MSP) to schedule Altar servers, Lectors, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, and Greeter Ministers. There is a video on their help page that explains how to use the app. MSP also has a mobile app for your phone or tablet that has most of the same functionality search for it in your app store.
Contact the Ministry Scheduler or the church office with questions on the app.
Current ministry schedule.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
You are invited to assist with the distribution of Holy Communion during Mass. Trained and commissioned "Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion" assist the priests and deacons during weekday and Sunday Masses. Training is offered twice a year.
Volunteers must be practicing and supporting parish members, confirmed, and be in a valid marriage or otherwise widowed, single, or divorced. This ministry is coordinated through the parish office. Please call or email the office for training dates.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion to the Sick
Bring Communion to the homebound, nursing homes, and hospitals. Trained and commissioned "Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion" bring Communion to those unable to attend Mass on a weekly basis. Volunteers must be practicing and supporting members of the parish, confirmed, and be in a valid marriage or otherwise widowed, single, or divorced. Sharon Sweeney coordinates this ministry and can be reached @ sharon.sweeney@epiphanyparish.com.
Being able to celebrate Mass together as a community is a true gift from God. Greeters help by welcoming everyone into Epiphany for Mass and helping everyone find a comfortable place there. Greeters hope to help offer “our community a life-changing encounter with Jesus” by providing joy in the form of a warm welcome and smile. If you would like to help, sign up for the group using the Flocknote form below.
Parishioners endowed with a good, clear speaking voice are encouraged to serve as a Lector in proclaiming the Word of God on weekdays, Holy Day, and Lord's Day Masses. Training is offered twice a year. Contact Lector Coordinator for training dates and further information.
Music Ministry
The Epiphany Music Ministry leads the music for all Sunday, Christmas, Holy Week, and Easter Liturgies. Our parish uses two hymnals, Spirit & Song from OCP and Worship from GIA publications. All music and mass settings for Mass will come from one of these hymnals to encourage congregational singing! Our mission is to lead every member of the congregation in sung prayer to glorify God and sanctify His people.
If you are interested in being involved, email Fr. David