American Heritage Girls

American Heritage Girls is a Christ-centered non-profit character development youth ministry program for girls ages 5-18, dedicated to its mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country. AHG programming focuses on six program emphases: Life Skill Enhancement, Girl leadership, Teamwork, Character Development, Social Development and Spiritual Development . 

The Facts for American Heritage Girls in the Catholic Church

A Catholic AHG Troop operates under the auspices and authority of its Chartering Organization (i.e.: parish), molding the ministry according to the Roman Catholic Church teachings & traditions. Catholic AHG Troops are encouraged to celebrate the fullness of the faith, while equipping girls with leadership skills, teamwork, and character development to live their faith. The AHG National Catholic Committee supports existing members who are part of a Catholic AHG Troop, as well as the Catholic AHG members not in a Catholic AHG Troop, ensuring that all Catholic AHG members are growing in their faith.

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